Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ripping off the Bandaid!

I'm afraid of the open water.  When I was in high school I learned how to water ski.  I was fine unless I fell (which was often) and then I would be freaked out because I had no idea what was swimming below my feet.  Several years ago, I decided that I wanted to do a triathlon.  I'm a decent swimmer in the lap pool, I bike and I run so this seemed like a good idea.  The problem was that the swim was in a River.  It is a disgusting, murky river.  The day before the race my friend coaxed me through swimming the course.  She tried to get me to put my face under the water, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.  I was a mess.  I was able to finish the race the next day, but I was one of the slowest swimmers.  All I could think of was all the live and dead things lurking in the water below me.  Even though I knew that there was not a zombie waiting to grab me in that river, I still was afraid.

Fear, according to wikipedia,  is an emotion induced by a perceived threat which causes entities to quickly pull far away from it and usually hide.  Since I began my journey to become a better version of me, I have found that fear often holds me back from accomplishing my goals.  I worry about what people will think of me.  I worry that someone will see me buying junk food at the store and think I'm a hypocrite.  I worry that I will gain back the weight that I lose.   These fears are what have held me back in the past.  BUT NO MORE!!!  I have decided that I am done being afraid.  I am ripping off the bandaid!  I'm ready to be brave!!!

What is holding you back?  I have talked to a lot of people lately about joining my challenge groups and Team Beachbody.  Many people are excited and have jumped on board with me.  Others are still on the fence.  And there are those that want to change, but just aren't ready.  I get it.  I get that you have to be ready.  But don't be afraid.  Don't be afraid to reach your goals.   Start small.  I asked my clean eating group to give up just one thing that was holding them back.  One of my friends gave up Diet Coke.  After the challenge was over, she said that she missed it but it was a relationship that she needed to end anyway.  I have found that giving up these bad relationships are a catalyst for other healthy changes.  I too gave up Diet soda and I feel so much better.  My sugar cravings have lessened, I have lost 3 pounds, and my clothes are getting baggy.  I think that giving up soda, replacing a meal with Shakeology and eating clean have all contributed to this.  I love not feeling bloated at night, I no longer have a food baby belly.  

When you start with little changes, like eliminating a bad habit, then you can start to add in healthy habits one day at a time.  That's what we did with our clean eating group.  Each day we added a clean eating principle:  Water, fruits & vegetables, lean proteins, 6 small meals, correct portion size, keeping a food journal, meal planning, shopping clean, and food prep.  Each principle is crucial to clean eating.  Now our group is ready to take those principles and over the next 21 days they will incorporate them into their daily lives for optimal health and well being.  Why 21 days?  It takes 21 days to form a habit.  It is my hope that by the end of the 21 days, each member of the group will have made clean eating a lifestyle.  Then we can move on to bigger and better things!

If you too are ready to rip off the baidaid, be brave and message me on Facebook or email me at

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