What is Clean Eating?
Clean Eating is a choice, lifestyle, way of life.
Clean Eating is not a diet, fad, or short term change.

There are a multitude of jokes out there about the "clean" part of clean eating. I have heard it all! "Oh, so you don't eat dirty food?" "Clean eating is when I clean my plate." "Clean Eating is eating while I clean."
Actually, clean does mean clean. It means eating whole foods that have not been "dirtied" with preservatives, additives, and processing. Such as an apple is an apple, oats are oats, eggs are eggs.
Side note: Now we could take this a bit farther to the chemicals and pesticides that are used on fruits and vegetables and hormones in livestock, but I am choosing not to go there in this 2 week program. Just keep the thought in the back of your head to buy organic when possible and do your research.
The whole point of clean eating is to get back to what our ancestors ate. I never met my great-grandma, but I'm just going to assume that she cooked all of her meals from scratch. She grew her own fruits and vegetables. She made her own bread, pasta, cereal. I'm guessing that she never went to McDonald's. That she didn't buy Twinkies and I'm sure that she never had a Red Bull.

I love when I have a pantry, freezer, and fridge full of healthy choices. It makes meals so much easier. Right now I have boiled eggs, cooked chicken, chopped up fruits and vegetables, and cooked rice and quinoa ready to be thrown together for a variety of meals.
I prefer to get every color possible in fruits and vegetables in during the day. I love apples, avocados, bananas, pears, peaches, berries, asparagus, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and on and on.
I do eat chicken about 4 times a week, but I also eat beef, turkey, pork, and fish. If you look around my blog and facebook page, you will find recipes that I have posted that are family favorites.
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