Since starting this new challenge group, I have had several of the members ask questions about what is considered clean. I figured that if they have these questions, others may be wondering the same thing too. The first topic I want to address is beverages.
Water: #1 best option, EVER! An easy way to figure out how much water you need a day is to take your body weight, divide it in half and that's how many ounces of water you should be drinking. Water is great for helping to lose weight. It can suppress your appetite, aid in digestion, and flushes out toxins. I carry water around with me in my purse, I usually have about 4 bottles in my car, I take one to the gym, and I carry around a water bottle with me from room to room in my house. When I get bored with plain water, I will add fresh lemon juice to it. A lemon contains nearly an entire daily requirement of vitamin C, which is also a great antioxidant!

Protein Shakes:
The past several years I have tried many different brands of protein shakes. I don't think that any of them Shakeology isn't a protein shake it is a complete meal replacement.
really did much to add muscle as they profess and I often was hungry shortly after drinking them. Many protein shakes have over 20 grams of protein, which is confusing to me since the body can only process about 20 grams per meal. I thought that I was lactose intolerant when I was drinking protein shakes, but since starting Shakeology those symptoms have almost all been eliminated. I feel 100% better since quitting the protein shakes and starting Shakeology. Although I eat 90% clean, it is still difficult to get in all the nutrients that my body needs everyday. Shakeology contains about 16 grams of protein, amino acids, antioxidants and super-foods, phytonutrients and super-greens, adaptogen herbs, prebiotics and probitics and digestive enzymes. I usually drink Shakeology as my mid-morning snack and then, if I'm hungry, as my evening snack.
Alcohol: I do not drink alcohol, but I think that for those of you that do, it should be considered a treat or cheat. Alcoholic beverages are high in calories, so drink in moderation. Use it as part of your cheat meal and plan ahead for the extra calories. That's what I do with sweets.
Beverages to STAY AWAY FROM
Not great
Juice: I do buy juice for my husband and kids, but I buy 100% juice. I don't drink it because I don't want to drink my calories. I would prefer to eat an orange or apple instead. When you drink the juice, you are missing out on tons of nutrients, such as fiber from the apple peel.
Flavored water, such as Crystal Light. There are tons of products on the market right now for flavoring water. These are full of chemicals! Don't let the packaging fool you, read labels!!!
Soda: I have been off of soda since January 1, 2014. That might not seem like very long, but it was a hard addiction to break. Regular soda is full of sugar and sodium and chemicals. Personally I think that diet is worse because it has added chemicals to make it taste sweet. Since going off soda I have felt a ton better and I dropped weight and inches quickly. Also when I drink pop my cravings for sweet and salty foods increase.
This is just a quick run down, I'm sure that I'm missing several other options out there. Just remember that when choosing a beverage, water is the best bet.
If you have any questions about clean eating, please comment here on my blog or message me on my Facebook Page: Clean Eating and Fitness: A Journey
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