Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meals: Ideas, planning and prepping

Planning, prepping, 

It may seem like a lot of work, but I have found that I am more successful at weight loss, maintenance and sticking to clean eating when I do them.  Here are some suggestions and ideas of what works for me.

These are 2 YouTube videos that I made:

Meal Planning

Meal Prepping

Oatmeal, chopped apple, cinnamon/ 4 egg whites
Oatmeal with 1/2 banana, walnuts/ 4 egg whites
Shakeology with berries & spinach
Quinoa, almond milk, berries
Teff, almond milk, berries
Greek yogurt, berries, Fiber One cereal
Cottage Cheese, berries, Fiber One cereal
4 Egg whites or whole 2 eggs with peppers/onions/mushrooms
Pumpkin Pancakes

nuts (almonds, cashews, almonds, etc), fruit (apple, orange, pear, etc)
2 eggs, berries or veggies
1/2 chicken breast, steamed green beans
canned tuna, apple
chopped veggies (celery, carrots, peppers), Avocado hummus
Almond butter or peanut butter, apple
quinoa, 1/2 banana

Turkey Meatloaf Muffins and Vegetables
salad: greens, chopped veggies of choice/ quinoa or beans/ ground turkey, turkey breast, chicken/ dressing
Rice and Black Beans

Turbo Fire Chili
Chicken Fajitas
Everyday Marinara Sauce with baked chicken or pork roast
Chicken and Vegetable Bake
Salmon baked on a bed of spinach, baked potato
Roasted turkey breast, steamed broccoli, rice
Tenderloin, roasted carrots, beets, leeks & sweet potato
Baked tilipia, steamed spinach, tomatoes

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