Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Cleaning: Eliminating Sugar

I am determined to do some SPRING CLEANING!!!  This cleaning is not just for my house, but also for my body.  I am ready to do a SUGAR ELIMINATION CHALLENGE!!!  
Ok, back up!  If you know me, you know that I will not be totally be eliminating sugar.  I'm crazy, but I'm not totally insane.  Why not a total elimination?  When I tell myself that I can't have something, I want it more and more and more and more and. . . . you get the point.  So instead of eliminating sugar totally, I am going to limit myself to one treat a week.  I will plan for these treats, so that I can make intelligent choices.  I am calling these a "treat" not a "cheat."  Cheating has a negative connotation, whereas treats are more positive.
The purpose of this challenge:
  • Provide information on how to differentiate between processed and natural sugars
  • Show the destructive effects that sugar has on your body
  • Break your sugar addiction

You can choose to what level you want to participate in this sugar elimination challenge.  Maybe you want to go full force and cut out all sugars, maybe you want to eliminate only processed sugars, or maybe you just need some more information about sugar.  Well, stay tuned!  I will be blogging about sugar all week.  

1 comment:

  1. Up your Vitamin B and C to help with the cravings, it really works
