S-Specific (Who, what, when, where, why, how)
M-Measurable (know when it is to be accomplished)
A-Attainable (goals that you are capable of doing)
R-Realistic (how will this affect other aspects of my life)
T-Timely (has a deadline)
She encouraged her readers to journal or blog their goals for the New Year. I decided to start small and set three New Year Resolutions. One of them is spiritual, so I will not share that goal on this blog. The other two are fitness and nutrition based.
I have already set goals in previous posts that I am still working on, like getting into the best shape of my life by my 36th birthday in July. Every day, week and month I set new goals for fitness and I post them on this blog or keep track of them in a journal. Of course my grander, more long term goal is to have a bikini body and become a personal trainer one day, but I have A LOT of work to do to get there and I'm not sure if I am ready to put a time frame for those goals yet. In order for me to set a resolution that is SMART, I had to come up with something else.
In 2013, I have planned to run in at least 3 races: I will run in the Utah Valley Marathon on June 8, the Pocatello Marathon on August 30 and the Just Cuz Half Marathon in November. I also hope to run as many local fun runs as possible. My resolution for 2013 is to set a personal record in each of these races. This means that I have to beat a 4:20 marathon time and a 2:02 half marathon time. I want to get my P.R. for the marathon under 4 hours and the half under 2 hours, but since I am keeping with the A and R of SMART, my goal is to train hard and stay healthy and just beat my previous times.
I recently noticed that my blog address is oneyearofhealthyeating.blogspot.com. I don't know exactly why I named it that for sure, since the blog itself is "My year of healthy eating." I do know that I have changed a great deal about the way that I even think about food since I started the blog and that this is not something that I want to do for only one year. Clean Eating is something that I feel very passionate about. I do want to make 2013 a year of transition for not only my body, but also for my cooking. I already have made a daily goal of keeping my food clean and tight, weekly I get one cheat meal and one clean treat, and once a month (at book club) I will eat dessert.
I mentioned in a previous post that I have struggled with finding super delicious foods that my family will eat and enjoy. My 12 year son even said that he hates clean eating. This is not what I want. I want to teach my children how to eat foods that fuel their body. I want to present healthy foods to them, that they will eat. I also don't like recipes that have crazy complicated ingredients and instructions.
In 2013 I want to use this blog as a tool for myself and others. I want to introduce clean eating to my friends and family. My nutrition resolution for 2013 is to become a clean eating family. I want to clean up the recipes that my family already likes and then share them with others. I also want to use this blog as a sounding board, so that others can share their thoughts on clean eating, exercise, and hopefully their recipes. My goal is to present one of my recipes, cleaned up, or a clean recipe that my family actually likes, at least once a week. Hey, if my family likes it, anyone will. I will get up the courage by February 26 (this is a random date and Ian's birthday, but I needed a time) to make this blog public.
She encouraged her readers to journal or blog their goals for the New Year. I decided to start small and set three New Year Resolutions. One of them is spiritual, so I will not share that goal on this blog. The other two are fitness and nutrition based.
I have already set goals in previous posts that I am still working on, like getting into the best shape of my life by my 36th birthday in July. Every day, week and month I set new goals for fitness and I post them on this blog or keep track of them in a journal. Of course my grander, more long term goal is to have a bikini body and become a personal trainer one day, but I have A LOT of work to do to get there and I'm not sure if I am ready to put a time frame for those goals yet. In order for me to set a resolution that is SMART, I had to come up with something else.
In 2013, I have planned to run in at least 3 races: I will run in the Utah Valley Marathon on June 8, the Pocatello Marathon on August 30 and the Just Cuz Half Marathon in November. I also hope to run as many local fun runs as possible. My resolution for 2013 is to set a personal record in each of these races. This means that I have to beat a 4:20 marathon time and a 2:02 half marathon time. I want to get my P.R. for the marathon under 4 hours and the half under 2 hours, but since I am keeping with the A and R of SMART, my goal is to train hard and stay healthy and just beat my previous times.
I recently noticed that my blog address is oneyearofhealthyeating.blogspot.com. I don't know exactly why I named it that for sure, since the blog itself is "My year of healthy eating." I do know that I have changed a great deal about the way that I even think about food since I started the blog and that this is not something that I want to do for only one year. Clean Eating is something that I feel very passionate about. I do want to make 2013 a year of transition for not only my body, but also for my cooking. I already have made a daily goal of keeping my food clean and tight, weekly I get one cheat meal and one clean treat, and once a month (at book club) I will eat dessert.
I mentioned in a previous post that I have struggled with finding super delicious foods that my family will eat and enjoy. My 12 year son even said that he hates clean eating. This is not what I want. I want to teach my children how to eat foods that fuel their body. I want to present healthy foods to them, that they will eat. I also don't like recipes that have crazy complicated ingredients and instructions.
In 2013 I want to use this blog as a tool for myself and others. I want to introduce clean eating to my friends and family. My nutrition resolution for 2013 is to become a clean eating family. I want to clean up the recipes that my family already likes and then share them with others. I also want to use this blog as a sounding board, so that others can share their thoughts on clean eating, exercise, and hopefully their recipes. My goal is to present one of my recipes, cleaned up, or a clean recipe that my family actually likes, at least once a week. Hey, if my family likes it, anyone will. I will get up the courage by February 26 (this is a random date and Ian's birthday, but I needed a time) to make this blog public.